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Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct

On August 1, 2020, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee adopted
     a revised Employment Dispute Resolution (EDR) plan based on the 2019 Model EDR Plan adopted by
     the Judicial Conference of the United States.


The  EDR Plan

          •    Affirms the Judiciary's commitment to an exemplary workplace free from
               discrimination and harassment;

          •    Prohibits wrongful conduct, including discrimination or harassment based on a race, color,
               sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, pregnancy,
               or age (40 years and older), and abusive conduct regardless of motivation;

         •    Encourages early reporting of any suspected wrongful conduct;

         •    Provides covered individuals with certain employment rights and protections, and both formal
              and informal ways for resolution to address any alleged violations of those rights; and

         •    Prohibits retaliation for reporting or opposing wrongful conduct, or otherwise participating
              in any of the resolution procedures under the EDR Plan.

     The Judiciary encourages early reporting and action on wrongful conduct.  The EDR Plan allows
     current and former employees, interns/externs, and all applicants who have been interviewed to seek
     redress for wrongful discrimination and harassment in the workplace and provides other employment
     law protections.  Employees who experience or observe, or learn of reliable evidence of sexual, racial, or other
     discriminatory harassment or abusive conduct are strongly encouraged to take appropriate action,
     including contacting a supervisor, human resources professional, EDR Coordinator,  Unit Executive,
     Judge, Chief Judge, or other individual to discuss the situation.


EDR Resources

          • TNEB Employment Dispute Resolution (EDR) Plan
          • Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Notice
          • Your Rights in a Federal Judiciary Workplace
          • How to Address Wrongful Conduct in the Workplace
          • EDR Options for Resolution
          • The EDR Formal Complaint Process
          • Key Things to Remember About EDR Rights
          • Judicial Conduct and Disability Act
          • Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings


EDR Contacts


Local EDR Coordinators

Lora Finley

Mark Roberson

Lora Finley and Mark Roberson both serve as EDR coordinators for the TNE-Bankruptcy
Court. Please reach out to either person or the one with whom you
are most comfortable discussing your situation.


Sixth Circuit Director of Workplace Relations

Lauren Mai
Workplace Relations for the Sixth Circuit


National Office of Judicial Integrity

Michael Henry, Judicial Integrity Officer 202-502-1603